If Quantum Physics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Niels Bohr
It may come as a surprise, but scientists from the most prestigious institutions have only recently begun to understand the inner workings of our universe. It wasn’t until the 20th century that a new science started examining the world of atoms and subatomic particles. Today Quantum Physics is regarded as the most verified field in all of science.
As soon as scientists began smashing electrons and other particles in enormous accelerators, they quickly realized the foundations of the physical world weren’t what we thought at all.
Imagine that you begin a journey into the deeper levels of matter. You start at the surface, and at this level a block of iron appears solid. However, you know that matter is made from smaller building blocks, called molecules. At the molecular level, you see that the molecules themselves are made from a combination of several smaller building blocks, called atoms. As you jump to the atomic level, you realize that an atom is not really a solid thing at all. It has a core, which from a distance appears solid, but it has a number of electrons orbiting around the nucleus, as well as protons and neutrons which are made up of even smaller particles called quarks. Quarks are not made of smaller particles. They are concentrated points of energy, which essentially means "made of energy.” It means that, at the most fundamental sub atomic levels, everything is energy.
Einstein said so himself. “This is not philosophy. This is science. Everything is energy. That’s all there is to it.” We are all part of the one thing there is - a universal energy field that vibrates in different frequencies which make us appear as separate from each other. But Jesus knew better. He said, “If you do it to the least of these you have done it unto me.”
And didn’t God himself say in Revelations 1:8 that He was the One thing there is - the First and Last? The Alpha and the Omega? Wouldn’t that mean that everything has to be part of God?
And wouldn’t that include you and me?